

54기 Hi friends

페이지 정보

작성자 Hwang,Dae-Soo 작성일 2006-06-21 16:42 댓글 0건 조회 1,040회


Hi friends
I am pleased to find this web site .
How are you gyus doing?

I am Hwang, Dae-Soo(54th)
I am now living in Ho Chi Min, VIET NAM teaching at the Korean Elementary School .

I realized that there was a good homepage that I can drop by .
I will leive some messages regularly . If one of my friend(54th) wants to come to
VIET NAM(Ho Chi Min), please call me.

Here is address and phonenumber..................
2D3-5 sky Garden, phu my Hung,tan phong ward D7, Ho Chi Min City.
Phone  : 001 - 84 - 90 - 417 - 8425
E - MAIL ; daesooh@hanmail.net

I promise that I will visit this site again please leave you messages as will .
Have a nice day !

                                                June , 21 , 2006
                                                from ,VIET NAM dae-soo


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